Union Ocel

VDM Metals GmbH International

VDM METALS, Niklové slitiny, Zirkonium, Speciální ušlechtilé oceli, Základní kobaltové slitiny

Since 2010, UnionOcel, s.r.o. has been a sales agent and distributor of VDM Metals International GmbH, formerly ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH. VDM Metals International GmbH offers a wide assortment of nickel alloys and zirconium, including individual service on a global scope. The high-quality metal portfolio of VDM Metals International GmbH includes:

  • Nickel alloys
  • Zirconium
  • Special Stainless Steel Alloys
  • Cobalt based alloys

These materials are typically used in corrosive environments, the aerospace industry, chemical plants, oil and gas production, power generation, automotive industry and electronic as well as electro-technical applications. VDM Metals International GmbH has created a global network of sales companies and partners, which we are a part of. UnionOcel, s.r.o. is responsible for the sale of products of VDM Metals International GmbH in the following countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. VDM Metals International GmbH and UnionOcel, s.r.o. offer individual services, from the selection of the correct material to fast delivery from new production as well as from the stock of our Warehouse and Service Centre in Werdohl, Germany. Our customers are active in the following areas:

  • Aerospace industry/turbines
  • Automotive industry
  • Electronics/electrical engineering
  • Energy and chemicals
  • Medical technology
  • Oil and gas
  • Trade

For detailed information, please contact our representative:

Daniel LOGHIN Phone: +0728984278
Mail: daniel.loghin@unionotel.ro


Energy and chemical industry

Typical alloys:

VDM® Alloy 31 1.4562/UNS N08031
VDM® Alloy 59 2.4605/UNS N06059
VDM® Alloy 625 2.4856/UNS N06625
VDM® Alloy 600 H 2.4816/UNS N06600
VDM Alloy 602 CA® 2.4633/UNS N06025
VDM® Alloy 617 2.4663/UNS N06617
VDM® Alloy X 2.4665/UNS N06002


  • Production and handling of acids, bases and saline solutions
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Chemical processing of waste
  • Complex polymer and fibre production
  • Foundry construction
  • Flu Gas Desulfurization
  • Acetic and nitric acid production equipment

Aerospace industry and turbine construction

Typical alloys:

VDM® Alloy 75 2.4951/UNS N06075
VDM® Alloy 188 2.4683/UNS R30188
VDM® Alloy 400 2.4360/UNS N04400
VDM® Alloy 6002.4816/UNS N06600
VDM® Alloy 7182.4668/UNS N07718
VDM® Alloy X2.4665/UNS N06002
VDM® Alloy X-750 2.4669/UNS N07750


  • Turbine wheels
  • Blades and shafts
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Motor fasteners, exhaust systems
  • Boxes, pipes, rivets, brackets
  • Mould construction

Oil and gas industry

Typical alloys:

VDM® Alloy 31 1.4562/UNS N08031
VDM® Alloy 718 CTP2.4668/UNS N07718
VDM® Alloy 625 2.4856/UNS N06625
VDM® Alloy 825 2.4858/UNS N08825
VDM® Alloy 925 2.4852/UNS N09925
VDM® Alloy C-276 2.4819/UNS N10276
VDM® Alloy K-500 2.4375/UNS N05500


  • Oil platforms, pipelines
  • Pump shaftsPump shafts
  • Sleeves/power cables/wire lines
  • Additional welding materials

Electronics and electrical engineering

Typical alloys:

VDM® Alloy 29-18 1.3981/UNS K94610
VDM® Alloy 40 B 1.4888
VDM® Alloy 512.4475/UNS N14052
VDM® Aluchrom1.4765/UNS K92500
VDM® Crofer 22 H 1.4755/UNS S44537
VDM® Konstantan2.0842/UNS C72150
VDM® MAG 50 1.3927/UNS K94800


  • Glass pass-through/light sources
  • Electronic assemblies/conductive frames
  • Shielding/x-ray tubes
  • Heating elements/braking resistors
  • Magnetic sensors
  • Die-casting for electronics and electrical engineering
  • Fuel cells

Automotive industry

Typical alloys:

    VDM® Alloy 80 A 2.4952/UNS N07080
    VDM Alloy 602 CA® 2.4633/UNS N06025
    VDM® Alloy 718 2.4668/UNS N07718
    VDM® Alloy 751 2.4694/UNS N07751
    VDM® Alloy C-263 2.4650/UNS N07263
    VDM® Aluchrom 4 18 Y Hf 1.4737
    VDM® Aluchrom Y Hf 1.4767


  • Catalytic converters
  • Spark plugs
  • Injection systems
  • Valves, turbochargers
  • Exhaust systems, isolators
  • Particulate filters for diesel engines


Zirconium Alloys Wet Corrosion Alloys High-temperature alloys Special alloys
Heat-resistant alloys Superalloys Resistance alloys Soft magnetic alloys Controlled-expansion alloys
  • Zirkon
  • ZR 700
  • ZR 702
  • Ni
  • NiCu
  • NiCrFe
  • NiCrMoW
  • FeCrNiMo
  • FeNiCrMo
  • NiMo
  • NiCrFe
  • NiCrMoCo
  • NiCrMoNb
  • CoCrNiW
  • NiCr
  • NiCrFe
  • FeCrAl
  • FeCr
  • NiFe
  • NiFeMo
  • NiFeCo
Contact us
Declar in mod irevocabil ca incredintez societatii UNIONOTEL SRL, persoana juridica romana, cu sediul in Bucuresti, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu nr. 6, etj. 9, sector 2, date de contact: tel - 021.313.67.84, email - info_unionotel.ro, inmatriculata la Registrul Comertului Bucuresti sub nr. J40/7736/2008, CUI RO 19245460 (denumita in continuare "Societatea"), consimțământul meu expres pentru prelucrarea datelor mele personale comunicate de mine și înscrise în formularul de contact de pe site-ul web UNIONOTEL, in vederea utilizarii in scopuri comerciale, contact si marketing. ()
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